We Bring Order To

Financial Chaos

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The information and materials on this website are for informational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Further, the use of this site and the sending or receipt of information from this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Stuart B. Ratner, P.C. Therefore, communications received through this website will not be considered privileged or confidential. This website is not intended to be advertising and Stuart B. Ratner, P.C. does not desire to represent anyone seeking information based upon viewing this website in a jurisdiction where this website fails to comply with all legal and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. Materials on this website may not be reproduced in any fashion or format. To the extent the state bar rules in an individual reader’s jurisdiction require Stuart B. Ratner, P.C. to designate a principal office and or a single attorney responsible for this website, Stuart B. Ratner, P.C.’s principal office is Stamford, Connecticut and Stuart B. Ratner, Esq. is designated as the attorney responsible for this website. Any U.S. tax advice contained on this website was not written for and cannot be used for (i) purposes of avoiding any tax-related penalties that may be imposed under federal law, or (ii) the promotion, marketing, or recommending to another party of any transaction or matter.